About Swami Ji

.... I took the road less travelled by, and that made all the difference.
Life's journey can take us on unexpected p aths, leading us to destinations we could never have imagined. Such is the story of Swami Yugal Sharan, a man whose journey from a scientist to a monk exemplifies the transformative power of spiritual awakening. A philosopher, visionary, spiritual leader, and the co-founder of Braj Gopika Seva Mission (BGSM), Swami Yugal Sharan's life story is a testament to the profound impact of inner exploration and devotion.
Swami Ji stands as the embodiment of love, humility, and unwavering zeal. His entire being is dedicated to serving his Guru, Sri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, who entrusted him with the mission of spreading his spiritual wisdom. Swami Ji's essence resonates with these profound words, inspiring seekers on their spiritual journey. His unique persona acts as a catalyst for our spiritual evolution, blending steadfast commitment to his Guru's service with a gentle love for the divine – shaping his spiritual identity. Through his teachings and satsangs, he has profoundly transformed the lives of countless individuals. He is a guide for the seekers, champion for the youths, inspiration for the kids and a visionary, all rolled into one.
Despite getting all kinds of worldly glory and prosperity, the thirst to know the ultimate truth of life was always stirring from within. The longingness knew no boundary. A myriad of intriguing but fundamental questions about life kept on haunting him and the search for a genuine saint led him to Vrindavan where he found his Guru in Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. On seeing him, the Guru asked with great affection “Where were you, I was waiting for you since long.” It is said that true faith in God takes the disciple to the real Guru as the duo has an eternal bond of birth after birth. “A brief period of close association with Sri Maharaj Ji solved all my queries that was haunting me for years.” Swami Ji says. In a short span of time Swamiji internalized all scriptural knowledge bestowed by his Guru.
“Never ever I was a student of philosophy or Sanskrit, still all came to me that too in brief period of three months, which is the biggest testimony to the divinity of my spiritual master”, Swamiji explains.
Shri Maharaj Ji conferred upon Swamiji the holy robes on 17th October 2000, and it was the beginning of a history that heralded a new wave of spiritual movement. The movement started its voyage in the year 2001 from the eastern part of the Indian peninsula and spread its wing to every nook and corner benefitting and transforming millions of lives. Swamiji travelled as many as 120 cities of India and abroad, spreading the message of divine love as desired by his Guru, a reminiscence of the Bhakti movement of medieval India.
Search for Guru and Sanyasa
Swami Ji was born to preach his Guru’s message. His birth, childhood, and education were in preparation for the life of a spiritual preacher. A flashback of his past life draws enough evidence that he was on the path of spirituality from an early age. Born to a highly educated but vaishnav family, his parents were instrumental in moulding Swami Ji’s persona with all possible Sanskaras . Love, compassion, empathy, altruism was very much evident right through his growing days, His days of adolescence were exceptionally privileged of having exposure to both spiritual and material realms. Swami Ji had the privilege of frequent association with saints who used to come to his house. Being a child prodigy, he showcased his high intelligence through good scores and quick response skills all through his academics.
Swami Ji served Government of India as a Senior Scientist for 10 years in Geological Survey of India.
Birth & Education
